The Ministry of Service is our vehicle in which we utilize the gifts of The Springs and its members in service to the community.
Cafe Springs
Our catering ministry prepares and/or provides creative, healthy, and nutritional menus for all our in-house events.
Celebrating Recovery
The ministry is empowered to assist those who are addicted to drugs or alcohol as well as those living with persons who are drug or alcohol dependent by providing counseling, support, and nurturing.
The ministry is empowered to fulfill our commission as the Body of Christ to go forth and witness of the transformation found in a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ through practical service to individuals who are in need, not only sharing the Good News but also demonstrating it by meeting them at their need.
The ministry is empowered with the assignment of witnessing and servicing those who are incarcerated, on probation or parole, and re-entering the community from incarceration by assisting and supporting them in their development, integration, and contribution to society as productive and law-abiding citizens of the community.
Saturday School
Judah's Army is a fellowship of children (up to 12 years old) with the responsibility of providing a safe space for Worship, fun and enriching activities, and service where they can explore and apply practically the Word of God to their everyday experiences.
WE2 is a fellowship of youth (13-17 years old) with the responsibility of providing a safe space for Worship, fun and enriching activities, and service where they can explore and apply practically the Word of God to their everyday experiences.
Judah's Army and WE2 meet on Saturday mornings at 11:00 am on Zoom: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/246908568
Ubuntu: Circle of Influence
Courageous Community Conversations that seek to address critical issues facing African and African Diaspora people, promoting our Blackness and rejecting, internally and externally, Anti-Blackness to ensure our community’s thriving.