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That no man should be moved by these afflictions: for yourselves know that we are appointed thereunto.

I Thessalonians 3:3

The process of building out your well-lived and joy filled life will have obstacles and difficulties; there will be rains, floods, and winds but despite and in spite of it all you have been appointed to overcome and inherit the promises of God. The diligence required for possessing your promises is rewarded with the evolving of your space to that which is prepared and sustained for you to possess your promises. Transformation happens as a result of the diligent actions on your part to co-create with God the space of life and life more abundantly promised. As the leader, the holder of the reins with God of your life you have been given the authority to have dominion and subdue your space in order to be fruitful and multiply. You must, as a Transformational Leader over your life, space; working with God and sensitive to the opportunities He presents transform what is to what should be. Be assured you have been appointed for the life before you and the one that presently exist, exercise your authority and go, building forth that which is promised and should be for your life. Occupy Your Promise,it is your inheritance, you have been assigned to it and in the assignment is the implicit notion that you are already an overcomer and will inherit, not because of how right or good you are but instead how right and good God’s promise is for your life!

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Pastor's Teaching   12:00PM & 7:00PM

(The Lord's Supper 1st Thursdays)  


Phone: 1-203-497-8101

Fax: 1-866-230-7659


The Springs of Life-Giving Water Church

375 Howard Avenue
New Haven, CT  06519

The Springs (Office & Mailing)

33 Lamberton Street

New Haven, CT 06519

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