If thou put the brethren in remembrance of these things, thou shalt be a good minister of Jesus Christ, nourished up in the words of faith and of good doctrine, whereunto thou hast attained.
I Timothy 4:6
Our experiences are bedrock for our advancing in the promises of God. Remembering not for the bad but for the lessons learned provides you practical tools for your advancement. Your remembrances of experiences and the quality of relationships that assisted and supported you to go through in order to get to are useful aides in you Driving Your Narrative. The message of Christ has been and is His-story of your life that empowers you from within to engage the circumstances of life and LIVE. Memories maybe painful but are a part of your history, your past and as spoken, it all comes to pass, yet those past experiences are beneficial for your understanding that your are and your God is able. LIVE today in your circumstances motivating your self-will and reliance on God that fuels your overcoming and inheriting all things, Driving Your Narrative to the destination of God’s promises for your life.