For the which cause I also suffer these things: nevertheless I am not ashamed: for I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day.
II Timothy 1:12
Living Victoriously comes as a result of the trials and tribulations of our lives that forces us to trust and rely on God and His intervention in our lives. As we invoke the intervention of God, allowing Him to be our strength in our weakness, God is revealed not only to us but everyone and everything in our space. Thus, as we go through to get to, believe God for who He is and His Word, promise, purpose and plan for our lives as a result whatever you face you will overcome to LIVE, Living Victoriously. We discover through trusting and relying on God that God is real, His strength and power is made perfect in our weakness so that we LIVE fully in what He has promised. As you engage the circumstances of your life, encounter God, be not ashamed of His manifestation in and through you to overcome and inherit all things, Living Victoriously!