And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.
Revelation 22:12-13
We have been created, designed to fulfill God’s purpose and plan in which He is glorified, revealed to all creation. Our purpose may be different and manifest differently but the source of our life is God and His glorification, His revelation as God-Creator of all things. You and I must decide that we will operate in the purpose of our creation and in doing so we give God glory and in turn He reveals the best in and through us. Living On Purpose is our vehicle to the life and life more abundantly promised. The abundance of life that allows you and I to LIVE in the fullness of joy will be complicated because of life’s challenges, however, we must remember that God, His purpose and plan, is the beginning and ending of all things. The in-between time of the fullness of our joy may appear meantime but it is in our focus, purpose-driven life in which we receive the joy and benefits necessary to overcome life’s challenges and inherit all things. As we are Living On Purpose, the challenges of life are no match for God who created us and our purpose and plan and He will come to our rescue, empowering us beyond the challenges to the fullness of joy promised. LIVE in your purpose and expect and embrace the fullness of God’s power that is available to you and comes to you to reveal God and HIs purpose and plan for your life yielding the fullness of joy in abundance.