That thou shalt take of the first of all the fruit of the earth, which thou shalt bring of thy land that the Lord thy God giveth thee, and shalt put it in a basket, and shalt go unto the place which the Lord thy God shall choose to place his name there.
Deuteronomy 26:2
There is absolutely nothing about life and what we experience that is a surprise to God, if it was, He would not be God. Therefore, be assured that God has and is equipping you with everything needed to be an overcomer in order to inherit every one of His promises, leading and guiding you and your space to the life and life more abundantly prepared and ordained, that is His promise and who He is. What God gave and is giving to and for you in these times, especially as we navigate this COVID-19 crisis, know that He has done so for all of us, including His entire creation, to profit and benefit from. Exercise your Power Of Giving by releasing yourself to the wind, Spirit of God and flow by providing, giving, pouring out what He has equipped you with to ensure that all, including creation, experience God’s promise of life and life more abundantly! Give up to give to, by your willingness to Catch The Wind and to do so cheerfully as chosen by God to be His living visible presence in His world. Take the first fruits of you, the best of you and what God has given to you and lay it before God to be used in a time such as this to represent HIs presence, power, and promises fulfilled in the lives of all and HIs creation! God has predestined, called, and justified you to give right where you are and in the time that is before you for His glory and the fullness of His promises revealed, Catch The Wind!