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Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.

John 14:12

You and I have been set up for greater works than those done by Jesus, the very Son of God, if we would simply believe. Believe that which God has declared for you and I to have life and life more abundantly is already done, ready and available for our possessing. Take Back Your Stuff God has given you His delegated authority over all creation and just in case you become separated as a result of life and its challenges from His purpose and plan, He has also provided you a bridge of reconciliation to His intent. We cannot lose with God’s delegated authority and His payment in advance for anything that would separate us from enjoying the fulfillment of His promises for our lives to Soar. Believe, trust what God has declared for your life and spread your wings to Soar, rising high on the wind, the Spirit of God, that by designed has been given to lead and guide you, lifting and causing you to increase rapidly in the fulfillment of God’s promises for your life. Because you dare to believe the Word of God for you life, you release the Spirit of God, empowering you to accomplish all things that God has purposed and intended for your life, the impossible, making you His witness; demonstrate evidence of who He is and His power. Put forth the effort to diligently pursue that which is yours, possess it and Take Back Your Stuff, overcoming all things and in the process, possess every promise of God for your life; the exceedingly, abundantly, more than you can ever ask or think by the power working in you!



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