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The pillars of heaven tremble and are astonished at his reproof.

He divideth the sea with his power,

and by his understanding he smiteth through the proud.

Job 26:11-12

The power of your ability to Take Back Your Stuff springs forth out of your abiding relationship with God and His Spirit. It is God who is the creator, redeemer and sustainer of all life, despite and in spite of life’s challenges, and He has given life to us as a choice, if we dare to believe. With our choosing life, God releases within us His Spirt which makes us alive and as the Spirit grows within us eventually consuming us causing an explosion of power in and over our whole life, leading and guiding us to the truth of God’s Word, making His Word, flesh, real in our life. There is no need for you or I to fret or be defeated, the fight of life has been fixed for us to win, however, we must fight, take action toward that which God has promised for us to Soar. As we choose to Soar, rise high, be maintained in that height and increase rapidly in the fulfillment of God’s promises, the Spirit lifts us over and beyond what we could ever ask or think. God has already prepared, not only what you need, but that which will be the fullness of joy, the overflow, the abundant life, however, it is up to you to choose to live in it and where challenges exist, access your power to overcome and Take Back Your Stuff!



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