This people have I formed for myself;
they shall shew forth my praise.
Isaiah 43:21
It is true that what the devil meant for evil, God can turn it around for our good. God uses the challenges and adversities of your life not to hurt or harm you but prosper you, forming and shaping you to your expected end, that which God beforehand prepared for your life and life more abundantly. God has made it possible for you and I, despite and in spite of our challenges, to receive the fullness of what He has promised, we only have to make ourselves available to Him to make His Word flesh. God is the Potter and we are the clay, allow God to form and shape you through your experiences to receive and position you for that which He has beforehand prepared for your life. God went so afar as to pay up front, the full price for you and I, no matter our circumstances, redeeming you so that the way is made for you to escape every shortcoming, challenge, and/or adversity; to Take Back Your Stuff and to be one with what He has promised. Take Back Your Stuff, including your redemption, and do not be fooled by the challenges and adversities that somehow you cannot over come; you are already the winner. Paul declares that all things will work together for the good for them that love God and are called according to His purpose. You have been called of God, respond to your call and Soar and all along the way you will receive the outpouring of God, His Spirit forming and shaping you to rise high and increase rapidly in the fulfillment of God’s promises for your life!