Cast thy burden upon the LORD, and he shall sustain thee:
he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved.
Psalm 55:22
As a believer, you and I have a release valve that allows us to let go of the yokes and burdens of our lives and be free to press forward in the higher calling of God. Life’s challenges, internal as well as external ones, have come to separate you from the fulfilled promises of God for your life and thus keep you wandering around aimlessly and the more we give them all of our energy the more we will wander. Focus on your promises and pull your release valve, releasing the pressure of life to God who cares for you and stands ready and available to all the waves and storms of your life. God wants to sustain you and give you the space to press toward His higher calling, to respond carefree but you must be willing to give it to Him and in so doing, you can Breathe: New Life. The space given is new every morning, it is God’s New Mercies that puts space between your and your life’s challenges so you can stay focused to go forward and higher; responding to God and releasing all things!