Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us,
Ephesians 3:20
God created you and me and blew into our nostrils the essence of Him, His Spirit, and as a result, we are living souls, therefore, show up to the gates of your life, life’s challenges, and do so alive. No matter how hard or impossible your gates may be, you are alive with the fullness of God inside of you. Never allow the challenges of your life to make you think or believe that they are the source of your strength or resolution, your power source lies within you, let your source drive the narrative, not what they want or what you think you need from them. Tap into your life-giving water, your potential, and your abilities and let them take priority in your engagements and the God of your internal source of life will enable you to Open Up the Way. Get Up, by showing up alive to your experiences, God predestined you, has gone before you; called you, is with you; and justified and glorified you, made your way, and is faithful to reveal in you the exceedingly, abundantly more than you can ever ask or think.