Friday, February 7, 2025
Buy truth—don’t sell it for love or money; buy wisdom, buy education, buy insight.
Proverbs 23:23 (MSG)
The life and life more abundantly that is yours is achieved because you want it bad enough that you are willing to pay whatever cost necessary. Buying is equated to your sacrificing so that what you desire, what is your treasure, your Hidden Manna, is discovered and recovered by you. How bad you want to live in God’s promises for your life is determined by what you are willing to do, sacrifice, buy so that what God has declared for your life is achieved. Thus, the Dis-covering Process allows for you to investigate and determine, discern the cost so that you might reckon, an accounting term, to add up the price and make the necessary payment, buying the necessary wisdom, insight, understanding to discover and recover your Hidden Manna, that which leads you to God’s promises fulfilled in your life.