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I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made:

marvellous are thy works;

and that my soul knoweth right well.

Psalm 139:14

What God has done and is doing with me is wonderful and as a result I celebrate Him and life. By no means does my celebration of God and what He is doing with me says that I understand or have arrived at that perfect place of promise but what it does mean is that I still have hope, expectation that I will walk in that which God has promised for my life and life more abundantly. The problem of my life is not me but instead how I engage the circumstances of my life to live in that which is mine, to Soar as promised by God. The circumstances of our life have come to challenge us but it is our response to our circumstances that make the difference, causing us to Accelerate, increase rapidly in the promises of God for our life. Today, declare, both in speech and action, that you are fearfully and wonderfully made, not just in general, but for the circumstance before you and marvelous is God’s work, revelation of His presence, power, and promises in you which will be revealed in and through your circumstance. Take on your circumstances head on and be empowered within because God created you for such circumstance to overcome and inherit all things, life and life more abundantly in all things.



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