And God isn’t pleased at being ignored. But if God himself has taken up residence in your life, you can hardly be thinking more of yourself than of him. Anyone, of course, who has not welcomed this invisible but clearly present God, the Spirit of Christ, won’t know what we’re talking about. But for you who welcome him, in whom he dwells—even though you still experience all the limitations of sin—you yourself experience life on God’s terms. It stands to reason, doesn’t it, that if the alive-and-present God who raised Jesus from the dead moves into your life, he’ll do the same thing in you that he did in Jesus, bringing you alive to himself? When God lives and breathes in you (and he does, as surely as he did in Jesus), you are delivered from that dead life. With his Spirit living in you, your body will be as alive as Christ’s!
Romans 8:8-11 (MSG)
Critical to our ability to Breathe: New Life is the value we place on relationships. Relationships provide us the ability to network our ways through the circumstances of our lives empowering us to live in the intent and promises of God. The Creator-God chose you and your path not just for you but for His revelation as seen through you and your connection to others. God created your entire space so that you can achieve that which He intended and that also included the people, places, and things of your space, thus as you Reconnect to them and God's intent you are empowered to live in His promises. Reconnect to God’s intent by developing your relationship with Him and your space and you will be empowered, you will Breathe: New Life in the circumstances that will release your life and life more abundantly!