Be imitators of God in everything you do, for then you will represent your Father as his beloved sons and daughters. And continue to walk surrendered to the extravagant love of Christ, for he surrendered his life as a sacrifice for us. His great love for us was pleasing to God, like an aroma of adoration—a sweet healing fragrance.
Ephesians 5:1-2 (TPT)
The power of our Reconnection with God, His purpose and plan, releases the flow of the fullness of God and His intent for our life and life more abundantly. The flow of God’s intent points us into the ordered steps for our life that reveal God’s Word to us, His Word being made flesh. The more we are willing in the midst of life and its challenges to Breathe: New Life the more we become like God and His intent, triggering the flow of God’s blessings in and over our lives making us His witnesses. Today, choose to Reconnect to God’s purpose and plan for your life as well as your environment, be alert and watch along the way of your ordered steps, your blessings, the flow of your life and life more abundantly!