But he was wounded for our transgressions,
he was bruised for our iniquities:
the chastisement of our peace was upon him;
and with his stripes we are healed.
All we like sheep have gone astray;
we have turned every one to his own way;
and the LORD hath laid on him the iniquity of us all.
Isaiah 53:5-6
Never forget that you have been given the right to choose whatever path of life you desire. No one or nothing has the right to determine the course of your life. Your free will is foundational to your creation; the right to choose. It was so important that God sent His Son to die for you and me so that we would have the right to choose; He was wounded, bruised, the chastisement of our peace was placed upon Him and He did it all for you and me, He did it so we would be free. Your choice is yours, however, God pleads with you to choose His purpose and plan and with it the exceedingly, abundantly, more than you can ever ask or think by the power that will work in you. However, if you choose differently, God still provides in whatever direction you take an exit ramp to return, to Reconnect to His purpose and plan and the abundance with it without any condemnation. Breathe: New Life, you cannot lose when you choose the prepaid plan God has made just for you!